The first draft of this zine is done!
Greetings, well thank you for your interest in this thing. 
Well I finally finished the first draft of the zine and I am working on the next steps. I'd like to set up a kickstarter so I can fund a decent quality print version, but before that I need to get some editing done as well as do some playtesting. Truth be told I am entirely alone on this but I recently lost my place of employment so I currently have the time to make this happen. Either way I want to see if anyone is interested in playtesting this thing as it currently is so I can get a better idea of how I should approach editing this before it goes to print. Anyone who playtests will be eligible to eventually get the completed version of this as well as credits in the zine for those who actually run a session of this thing. 
Anyway if you are interested here's a signup form so I can let you know when I am starting playtesting in ernest.

A preview for my upcoming zine
Not a huge update but I have posted a preview of the zine I am working on. Just wanted to put something out there and I think this will give people a nice little taste.... I don't like that turn of phrase but here we are.
A Free 24 Word RPG and Progress on a New Zine
I have made the text black and larger because... well reading is hard enough already
Wow it has been a while. So much is happening and I have made a concerted effort to make new things. First thing is the zine I have been working on. A year ago I started working on some backgrounds for Troika that has turned into a full blown project. You know how it goes. You start with an idea and other ideas come to your mind and eventually you have to tell yourself "OK even if I get another idea I'm just going to ignore it because otherwise I'll be working on this ONE THING for the rest of my limited time left on this planet." There is now light at the end of the tunnel.
What is this zine you ask? well it's a collection of backgrounds, NPCs additional rules and a short adventure for TROIKA! it all began as a response to this tweet and somehow it turned into something else entirely. I finally have all the important ideas are compiled and if I can't figure out some good random tables to add in the end papers I'm just gonna stick a fork in the thing and call it done.
As for the other thing I've made, I participated in a game jam for RPGs with 24 or less words. An interesting challenge that I felt was just right for a distraction. You can download it for free below and yah I think it's pretty neat. a true descent into madness. While you're there you might as well check out some of my other stuff. Also I have not sent out any emails to my email list because I literally have no one subscribed. if you think my stuff is cool you should definitely do that.
A Smelly Halloween Dungeon
10/13/2022 (Edited: 10/17/22)
Well I have created something new yet again for D&D. This time in the form of a Halloween Greeting Card that is itself a Dungeon. It was originally something I made to send my friends a little something this halloween season but since I ended up having to make them in bulk I decided to make a bunch that can be sold to people. Currently the only way to get physical copies is going to Geeky Teas in Burbank AND they are available for purchase on Spearwitch online if you happen to live outside of the greater Los Angeles Area. They come complete with the digital files as well as envelopes in case you want to mail this to your DM so they can subject your party to the smelliest dungeon currently on the market... I think anyway. For now though you can pick up the digital copy of this and other dungeons from the link below. it's only $3 for the digital files. 
New Print For Sale
There's a new print available on my Redbubble. If you would like to own a weird JONZY Brand, Grad-A high quality wearable reproduction of this and my other terrifying images just click on the image above or the link below. This is one of the few ways you can support me currently. I am still trying to figure out the nebulous inner workings of Patreon right now. Currently I just can't support myself on art alone so I do Graphic Design full time. One day I would like to devote myself full time to my art but until that is possible, I will try and trickle out the few tiny drops of liquid content that I can for my... fan... fans? fan.... anyway
Well I have created yet another Tabletop game supplement. I have participated in an IKEA Themed Game Jam. The supplement is compatible with the game Mörk Borg (made with the third party gaming license). Being that my girlfriend and I have frequently gotten lost in the endless halls of the largest ikea currently in North America, I had some first hand experience with the horrors found within.
Inside this supplement are modular demons. It is a means to create a unique hoard of monsters with weird abilities and loot for your players. Easy to follow instructions created using IKEA’s simple design philosophy. It’s also chock-full of my weird art, whatever that is worth to you.
I will also be linking my ITCH.IO page here so you can find any other weird crap I happen to make and put out there. Anyway, enjoy.
Motstandare is an independent production by Jonesy and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License.
MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.
A One Page Dungeon
I have recently created a 5th-edition compatible dungeon for your table-top needs. I wanted to try my hand at making a one page dungeon and this is my attempt. It is optimized for the fifth edition of "World's Greatest Role-Playing Game" but the language is vague enough that it can easily be adapted for your favorite table top system. 
Now I know this dungeon is very "you got your SciFi in my High Fantasy" but if side quests are great for anything it's to break away from convention a bit. It's the kind of dungeon that could fit seamlessly into any campaign. Now I'm not knocking a good mausoleum or goblin nest but if you want to really throw your party through a loop, a deep pit with Ancient Aliens might come as an interesting surprise. You can download and print this adventure out for free in the links below. I recommend double sided printing on bright green paper.
Ghost Con 2020
I am participating in this thing right here. This convention as it were and Honestly it is pretty neat. I also made new art pieces which are available to buy and print from my Red Bubble. You can support the event by going to this link and looking into the event. Or you can go to my redbubble and check out my new pieces.

Animal Crossing!
Well I am sure many of you are sick to death of hearing about Animal Crossing.... but that being said, many more of you are playing animal crossing right now. Yes Animal Crossing has taken over my life as it has taken many of yours. Unsurprisingly I have recreated 5 of my paintings and illustrations so you can decorate your animal crossing homes with my horrifying images. I have also created a hat and shirt that.... well you can get the shirt on redbubble but the hat doesn't exist. It may never exist. that is just the world we live in..
Anyway to download you can either enter my creator code OR enter the code for any of my art pieces individually.... you know... if you want to make it hard on yourself
If you're wondering why I am doing this to the extent that I am making a page on my website for this thing, well this may surprise you but... Animal Crossing is fun. The animal friends are so god damn cute and more than that this game is Educational. You learn a surprising amount of natural history as well as Art History. You have to work towards paying off a home loan and you contribute to the community of little animal people. Anyway the point is that it's fun and I was already going to insert my horrifying art into this game about cute animal friends and Capitalism so why not make said art available to EVERYONE. These are all based on real illustrations and art pieces I have made. At the end I will have made a little gallery with the pieces I have included in Animal Crossing.
Creator ID:
The End:
Goodbye Summer:
Nowhere Flag:
Bleak Shirt:
Bleak Hat:
Bonus Tehuana Oil Cloth Pattern:
Art Pieces these are based off of.
Non-Medical Face Masks
Redbubble has now started selling NON MEDICAL printed face masks on their website. Because of that I have created 2 exclusive designs for my redbubble site. My imaginary lawyers want me to emphasize that these are NON MEDICAL FACE MASKS but hopefully your new horrifying visage will encourage your friends and family to stay at least 6 feet away from you. Also, allegedly, for every Redbubble mask you buy they’ll donate a mask to heart to heart international. Isn’t that nice?
Click on the images below to purchase a mask of your very own. 
Also if you are in need of some entertainment, Check out this Youtube Playlist curated by yours truly.

Stay Inside Coloring Book
Well these past few months have been really something haven't they? Now that most of us have been cloistered in their homes, the lack of human interaction makes one wonder if there really is an entire world beyond the finite confindes on one's home. As one who is no stranger to loneliness can attest, it never gets any easier. I think sometimes people assume that the more introverted of their friends have it easy this time around and are immune to the loneliness that comes with this kind of isolation, but this is different. I think it's similar to how the microscopic tardigrade often gets mis-identified as an "extremophile". In truth it's not that they are adapted to extreme conditions, they simply have many biological systems to survive them. My point is don't assume that anyone has it easier than you. Some people do have it easier than others during this horrible time, but chances are that has little to do with the fact that they are regularly burdened with melancholy. Most likely the ones who are having an easy time are those who are very wealthy, and have no empathy for their fellow human beings. Very few are not suffering. 
Either way I made this cute little print-at-home coloring book that you can download for FREE. Just expand each image, right click the image and choose "Save image as". If you become a Patron and support the strange art I do, you can Download a zip file or PDF of the pages below as opposed to download each page individually. If you rather your money go to a cause more dire I would consider donating to your local food banks. Anyway I hope you are all staying safe.
Valentine's day
It is almost upon us and it resonates with the most unpleasant parts of myself. To aid myself and others on this day I have created a printable set of 8 cards to give to your most beloved people in your life. All you have to do is print it out and Bam. The print is made for a printer that can print double sided but obviously if your printer cant to that then don't even worry about it. Just cut them into 8 equal cards. the cut lines are on one side to make it easy on you.
I recommending just ordering them from fedex because they have those big paper cutter things. 

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